Reserving the Library Instruction Room

The library maintains an instruction lab (often referred to as the Library Instruction Room) equipped with 24 computers, a projector, and an instructor’s station. This room can be used by DSU librarians, faculty, staff, or non-DSU educational institutions for instructional purposes. To allow flexibility for all interested faculty, the room cannot be scheduled for class meetings for the duration of a semester.

The Library Instruction Room can only be reserved through the library’s Research Services Department by calling (662) 846-4431.

Reservations will include basic information such as the date, time, contact information, and a brief description of the event. The caller should also indicate if they require the instructional services of a Research Services librarian.

Who can make a reservation?

  • DSU faculty or staff
  • DSU student organizations with a faculty sponsor who must be present at the event
  • Non-DSU educational institutions such as K-12 schools or community colleges